Lakeland Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization funded by grants, events and donations from people like you! Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve our programs.
We regularly update our wishlist. Please feel free to stop by our office to drop off wishlist items.
Give us a call if you have something you would like to donate that is not on our wishlist. We always appreciate in-kind donations!
Monetary donations go directly to the needs of Lakeland Family Resource Center. Donate online today!
Looking for small ways to make a big impact? Volunteer your time at our events, fundraisers or programming.
Grant Donors
Lakeland Family Resource Center is generously supported by grant funding.
Committed to mobilizing research and practices that prevent the occurrence of child maltreatment.
The Department of Children and Families (DCF) provides or oversees county administration of programs to assist children and families.
Washburn County Health & Human Services Department provides a comprehensive array of services to over 3,000 customers in Washburn County each year.
The Department of Public Instruction is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin.
How are we doing?
We would love to hear your feedback to help us improve!