Relatives as Parents (RAP)

All caregivers raising a relative child are invited to attend along with their children to attend Relatives as Parent Program (RAP) for monthly meetings and quarterly family events.

RAPP is a support group for caregivers caring for relative family members.

Lakeland has two groups in Washburn County that meet once a month.

This support group is a safe place for conversation, education, and shared lived experiences.

RAPP is a support group for caregivers caring for relative family members.

Lakeland has two groups in Washburn County that meet once a month.

This support group is a safe place for conversation, education, and shared lived experiences.


When is the pop-up pantry restocked?
What is the School to Home Liaison Program and how do I refer a family?
What program do you have for Youth and Teens?
What is a “Playgroup” and what ages is it geared toward?
What if you don’t have the service I need?

Still have questions?

Contact us today for information about our programs and 
community resources.

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Open Hours
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
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